November 11, 2010

Funnies: Science Talk

I looked on my Facebook profile and completely forgot I listed this snippet of an AIM conversation I had with my best friend, years ago, as one of my favorite quotations.

cutiepie0462 (12:15:51 AM): a deamination event will change cytosine to uracil?
cutiepie0462 (12:15:57 AM): sorry wrong im
ME(12:18:07 AM): lol yes it will because the crotanomes in the cytosine rise to the surface providing a jelly-like substance called hydropreferate which once deaminated produce uracil
cutiepie0462 (12:18:35 AM): don ever hav an answer
ME(12:18:38 AM): lmaoo
...cutiepie0462 (12:19:05 AM): u take bio or jus kno random shit?
ME (12:19:12 AM): i made it up
ME (12:19:13 AM): lmao
cutiepie0462 (12:19:22 AM): lmaooooooooooooooo
ME(12:19:23 AM): lmaoooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
ME (12:19:27 AM): dont eva not kno
ME (12:19:29 AM): lmaoooooooooooooooooooooo
cutiepie0462 (12:19:32 AM): y that sounded mad bio ish
ME (12:19:39 AM): i kno lmao im hot
cutiepie0462 (12:20:02 AM): i never had an explanatiion like that though ur class went more in depth than mines
ME(12:23:56 AM): that was too funny
cutiepie0462 (12:24:35 AM): btw it is true

November 9, 2010

'Fraid to Ask the Right Questions

I was sitting in Radio class today, surfing the net per usual (this time for MBA information) when my teacher called on me to be interviewed by another classmate. The interview glossed over silly, comfortable things like what my Halloween was like (Awesome btw!) and what i wanted to do (Advertising, marketing, tv/fashion, entrepreneur extraordinaire) and where i was from (NYC BABY!) It didn't really capture the gist of what the teacher wanted to hear though. Didn't capture who I was. All the time, during the interview I was thinking "I don't know what these people want to hear... I don't really have anything to say." Then the teacher interrupted with one statement "Tell me about yourself in thirty seconds..." and it opened so much more a unveiling, free-flowing interesting conversation.

It's the questions you ask others, the questions you ask yourself as well as what you're willing to respond with.

I'm such a private person. I don't think there's anyone out there that knows everything that's happened to me. (Could be a good or bad thing.) Half due to the fact that people don't ask the right questions and the other part due to the fact that I don't say. I look at reality shows like Real World and can never picture myself on there. My life opened for the world to see? I'll pass. I admit it would be a hell of a show though.

"Live Fast, Die Young" just came on my iPod. I love that song, and I dont think it'll ever get old to me. Live for the moment and put a bullet on it. Half of me believes that if i was forced to say all my actions out loud, I'd think about them more before I just dove into them. I kind of embrace the thoughtlessness of being carefree in life too though. It's the best and worst thing that's ever happened to such a futuristic thinker and planner such as myself. I encourage everyone to live in the now. It's the only way to learn for the future, realize your past and understand your present. Anyway I'm going on a tangent...

Back to the interview. The point of the interview was to reach below the surface and learning to ask the right questions in order to get the sort of answers you want. Even when the person we're asking the questions to are ourselves. We're scared to find things out about ourselves, others, we simply don't care, or are not willing to analyze. A lot of the times I find myself asking "Why doesn't that person know that?" "Why is that man like 25 and not advancing...? Doesn't he see his peers passing him?" "Why does she keep making the same mistake over and over expecting a different result?" Those people probably haven't had any one ask them those questions or they don't ask themselves those questions.

And asking questions stretches beyond just uncovering interesting things, it's about opening opportunities. I would ask my aunt if she was busy and she'd confirm and I'd leave it that. My Grandma would force me to go back to her and ask her directly if she'd take me somewhere and she'd say "yes." I never wanted to ask the direct question though.

It could be the same private part of me that likes to hold back information until Im sure it'll be received well but I think we each have a bit of that in us and it's more hindering than helpful. And so the process of making my voice louder begins. It's not that no one wants to listen, sometimes you have to force them to. Even if the person is yourself.

November 6, 2010

Quarter life crisis' exist. I feel like at least half our generation will experience one."

November 3, 2010

A bad white girl is BETTER than any bad anything..."

Heard a Black male say this. Bad meaning "incredibly sexy." I won't express my feelings about it, I'll just let it marinate with you guys. Everybody has an opinion...right?

Fugly People Are on the Come-Up

"U-G-L-Y you aint got no alibi... you ugly yeah yeah you ugly." I never truly knew what that meant but I sang it anyway along with the other kids caught up in it's catchiness and understanding the overall message of calling out the ugly ducklings. As we grow up, the importance of appearance is ingrained in our systems. It seems the less attractive folk (someone once told me you shouldn't call people ugly) got the short end of the stick but now it seems they are definitely on the rise and showing off in more ways than one.

People used to ignore Lil Wayne all the time when he was younger, aka the before the dreads and "i can actually rap" era. I'm sure he had groupies being apart of Cash Money Millionaires but he was no sex symbol. Now he's having babies with Lauren London and everyone thinks he's the Sugar Honey Iced Tea. And I can't forget the fact that Necole Bitchie tweeted her love for Ricky Rozay. There are people out there crushing hard on Rick Ross right now! Yes I said...Rick Ross. Some people think that tatted up, shirt off without any pacs, free-way bearded look is sexy. Hey, Foxy went out with him or was placed with him at some point so I'm sure she doesn't disagree.

And yeah some can say "Maybe it's the money..." Sometimes it truly is. I don't know... money can never cover up a face to me. Eh, personality is a different thing but no one likes to claim that as a reason they become attracted to someone.

I applaud that beauty changes within eras though. God knows I look back at pictures of myself from before and go "Who let me look like that?!..." On America's Top Model, I hear people say all the time "Da-yumm that girl is ugly! Why is she even on the show?" and it's interesting to know that those girls mark a new definition of beauty and are making more money than some of the people at home putting them in the category of ugly.

In schools the pretty people ran things and now those who aren't considered the creme de la creme are still portraying the utmost confidence. People used to say ugly girls are getting pretty friends just to be in the in crowd. They still say it. Ask a girl who the ugly one in her crew is and she'll swear up and down they're all bad. Bad meaning good.

Where as back in the day, the less attractive people were cowering away from the spotlight, they currently certainly seem to be inching to the forefront screaming "Back then they didn't want me, now I'm hot they allll on me!"

FOTO OP: Imma 80s Baby

My fam thinks it's cool to post embarrassing pics of me on the internet, but I had to repost because this has 80s baby written all over it.

November 1, 2010

FOTO OP: Trojan Magnum Ad

A Magnum ad I created last year. Eh, I think this would be an effective campaign.

October 12, 2010

Fella Directory

Wouldn't the world be a better place, if there was a directory where you could look up a man's credentials? Who has the big red "X" written next to their names and who has the extra credit points? A book written by females they've been with (or males for that matter) critics. Would it be a print copy sold special places or an online version? I think I like online version better; more easily accessible and more likely to be updated.

This Fella Directory would have to come fully equipped. I'm talkin references, height, age, photos, body count, bad habits, hobbies, education levels, objectives, complaints...something like a Male Resume. I want to know who's heading to the barbershop on the regular. Fresh haircuts boost up a man's sexy points immediately. And hey, let's not forget the Feel Test.

Every great directory has sections! Imagine? Tabs separating the boys who stand on the corner all day from the ones who are out working, the ones who prefer this shade of woman from that shade, celebrity info! The list goes on and on. Since our great F.D. hasn't been created yet, here's a few sections with info that could come in handy.
"Undercover Brother":
If you have gay friends, they can help out tremendously in this department. Their gaydar is either super strong or they have great tactics of revealing the down-low men. Trust me, sometimes they've even hooked up with them. They're never afraid to tell it like it is.
"Nice Guys Finish Last" :
Whether they're reformed players, the brotherly types or the lames, this group of men can be the hardest to seek out. Especially when everyone wants to be the asshole nowadays. I find that the nice guys are the ones who have good people surrounding them. You can tell a way a person is by the company they keep, their views on family, their faith, their interactions in social places, and their choice words. And by choice words, I mean that nice guys are usually very particular about how what they choose to say as they are aware of others feelings.
Not all athletes are players. Look at Carmelo and Lala. Just about 98% haha. If you're thinking about hooking up with one, I think it really depends on the stage you are at and that they are at (more than likely that's the not wanting to date stage). Athletes are all about moving at a pace that they feel comfortable with. Be cautious, they're used to getting things their way. A plus is great eye candy and physical strength.
"Mama's Boys": You want a guy to love his mama but not be IN LOVE with his mama. Huge difference. Mama's boys are always gonna compare you to their mothers and most likely their moms are gonna be a hassle because they've become used to all the woman attention being on them.
"The Crazies": You want to see a boy get angry before deciding whether or not a relationship is right for you. You need to know if you can handle him at his worst. You also need to analyze their habits. Some people have weird fetishes... Hey crazy people tend to like other crazy people. Sometimes they think if you don't have a bit of crazy in you you're boring so this section should definitely make the directory if one was ever to come about.

Our manual is somewhere lost in the warps of the future. For now we have to stick to the good ole word of mouth, trial and error, social network phases. Yea, I said social network and not for you to go scoping out men on there...unless that's your thing. Wouldn't advise it though. Only because I think it tells you subtle things about a person. I've never been one to really take a male seriously who has a lot of girls posting their infatuations all over his wall, or who's flirting through twitter with various females. But hey, could just be me.

Oh yeah, and ladies I think I should share two rules with you: 1. Never recommend male friends to other females unless you know they're genuinely good people because girls can turn around and blame you for the downfalls and 2. Always do your hw... if you are friends with someone who's friends with a male your interested in possibly pursuing something long-term with, make sure he hasn't already dipped in the friend circle already.

October 2, 2010

Females Come In Twos

Behind every woman stands her alter ego. Beyonce has Sasha Fierce and Nicki Minaj has Roman Zolanski. That's why their female fans can identify with them so well. Call us bi-polar if you'd like but I prefer to think of it as being... dimensional. Something like a sour patch kid. Sweet and Sour. I've had boys tell me that I'm mean before, and I'm not even gonna blame that on my environment and say that "it's a New York thing" because I believe all girls have a little brash, tell-it-how-it-is vibe to 'em. New Yorkers just have a little more "Kiss My Ass" swag than some :) Some girls are on the faker side of things or just conceal it well.

The sweet and sour ratio differs depending on the female as well as who they're interacting with. Sweet refers to everything nice and caring about a female. Her soft side, her lady-like qualities, her ability to be understanding, giving. It's what drives her to go out of her way. The holding cell of emotions and what makes her vulnerable. The sour side is not even about being nasty or bitter, it's her confidence, her strength, her show face even if she's feeling shy or nervous on the inside. The Ms. Independent, "I Can Do Bad All By Myself" side. The side that has a voice and an opinion and is not afraid to share it.

Now, having two selves is not to be confused with being two-faced and I don't mean two selves completely. No Jekylls and Hydes over here. I'm talking an outer layer and inner layer. Us females are so concerned with how we're being perceived. And even when we're not concerned, someone out there is judging us still. Seeing what kind of vibe they can pick up off of us. Our outer layer is what we show the world first and as you peel the layers you get to know who we are inside as well.

I don't have a name for my alter ego. I'm not as cool as Beyonce or Nicki but gimme some time and maybe I'll be able to rummage up something for you. I have stage fright and every time I have to do something on stage, I would say I put my "game face" on or become a more confident version of what I'm feeling on the inside. Now that I think about it, it's not even limited to the stage... just somewhere I feel uncomfortable or I feel like the spotlight and pressure is being placed on me. Interviews, jobs where there are people around me in much higher positions, when I'm given large responsibility. 'Cause even if you feel like you're dripping you can't let 'em see ya sweat.

"Don't like my women single. I like my chicks in twos..." Good news Drake. Single or not, we're all doubled up.

September 28, 2010

FOTO OP: St. Ignatius Tutoring

An ad I created for a tutoring program.

Feelin It? : Ringling Brothers Ri-Ri

Rihanna takes on a daring outfit for the shoot of her new video "What's My Name." The red hair hasn't grown on me yet, and I don't think it will. Certain sections of the outfit are great. Loving the referee blazer! Black and white stripes with pops of color are an automatic "Yes" for me. The socks with the Oxford shoes are another quirky liking of mine even I don't think I'd be able to pull it off. However, together it all just seems really busy and all over the place. Fishnets? Take 'em off immediately. But I applaud Rihanna for always going out of the norm. Certain people are allowed to stretch the boundaries of fashion. Ehh... I feel like she would still be able to make it work if she didn't have that hair. No?

September 22, 2010

Fishing in the Male Mind

The male mind. A cosmic space filled with women, sports, more women, more sports... yeah that's it pretty much. Oh yeah, can't forget food and recreation too. So simple, yet so complex. Most of the time women wish they could land smack dab in the center of a man's mind and have him teach the ways of his kind. Other times we sensibly understand that maybe we don't want to find out what lies beneath.

I read an article over the summer (can't recall the mag...I was floating between Essence and Elle) that explored the thoughts of a few men in relationships. They walked through the streets undressing women in their minds, mentally eliminating who they wouldn't get physical with and googly-eyeing bodacious body parts. The mind was a place for them to tango with the thoughts of cheating for fear that if actually acted upon they would lose everything. Everything equaling the wives, girlfriends, and/or children waiting at home.

Besides leaving me wishing that men came with thought bubbles when walking down the street, I was curious if this was just something specially ingrained in the Y chromosome. Do women toy with the ideas of what they'd do to complete strangers? Besides celebrities of course. Is it common for all men to pick apart women without them even knowing, to mind flirt on the sidewalk? Innocent attractions leading to a drift in thoughts some might say.

I think men and women are taunted from "The Ones Not Had." The ones they could've engaged in intimacy with and just didn't for whatever reasons. The ones they wanted, but just were a bit out of reach. That always opens room for thoughts to wander, but does it ever just completely sizzle out?

Food for thought.

Four People You Never Want Advice From

What should I do about this? What do you think about that? What would you do if...?

We all ask for advice. It's a half cup of indecisiveness, one fourth uncertainty, and another fourth of just wanting to hear someone tell you you're not crazy. The recipe for disaster or success. Somehow people always end up asking the wrong people though. Stay clear of these folks when you're looking for quality advice.

1. The One Who's Doing Worse Than You
I never got the sense in doing this. I can't ask a person for advice if they're not at the same level or higher than me in that area. If I'm happier than you, I'm not gonna pick your brain on ways to increase my happiness when you can't even bring about happiness in your own life. Heck, you should be asking me for advice on what I'm doing right.

2. The Yes Man
Sometimes we tend to want to hear our own thoughts reiterated by someone else, just to make us feel better. Half the time, it's not the best option. You want to be able to rely on the person you're asking advice from, knowing that they aren't just going to say what you want to hear. Someone who challenges your thoughts might even give you a new perspective.

3. The Conventionalist
The problem with asking people who are too stuck in tradition, is that their answers can be too safe sometimes. You want a thought that stems from someone with an open mind, who can judge something without thinking if it fits into tradition or not.

4. The "If It Were Me" Guy
Well it's not you. People have different standards, beliefs, levels of tolerance, etcetera etcetera. A person needs to be able to give advice from an outside perspective. In different scenarios, what you would do is not necessarily the best option for that person so keeping their interests, experiences and their values in mind is key in making suggestions.

Asking the wrong people for advice gets you nowhere and if anything, just puts you in more a sticky situation. Of course, different people's advice-giving levels will vary depending on your subject matter so evaluate accordingly. It saves time, energy and breathe!

September 14, 2010

Foxtrot to School

Just discovered Wildfox Couture. Definitely a fan. Posted these in three pics in the spirit of being back to school.

September 8, 2010

Frog-Prince Trauma

So many women wallow in their singledom, yearning for a smooth frog-turned-prince to hold their hand and skip off into forever with. They spend their whole lives spinning around in a circle screaming "Where is my Prince Charming?!?!" They become so infatuated with the prospect of being in love and having a relationship that every person they kick it off with is a possible marriage in the making. Enough already. I get it, not everyone's cut out for the inconsistency, juggling lifestyle that can come along with the single life. Some people consider it too boring, and they rather have something stable with one person. Others have hoola-hooped in the single circle way too long and just finally want someone to build a connection with. I get it.

What I've noticed, however, is a span of desperation waving through females these days. They get so caught up in trying to form something that they lose focus of so many other important things that they should wrapping their heads around within their own lives. When you have yourself together, then the situations in your life begin to come together. I've recently been asked to complete a survey on campus and two of the questions were "Why did you come to Loyola?" and "What do you want to do after college?". Some of the answers included "to meet a mate" and "start a family," and it set in that some people really go through major parts of their lives in deep search for another to fulfill them.

On the other far side of the spectrum are those who praise the single life so much that they begin to hate on others in relationships, simply because of their own lack of being in one. Haters, for a lack of better words. We all know them.

My message to the depressed love crooners is SNAP OUT OF IT! You want to be a happy, complete version of yourself so that when you do get into a relationship, it's equal and healthy. Who wants to be labeled as the clingy, needy one? Don't get so caught up in the fairytale that you forget to build and create your own story. Live your life first, and the rest of the pieces of the puzzle will fill themselves in without you forcefully jamming them together.

July 29, 2010


Everything I do today, I do not apologize for tomorrow. It's all for a reason. I don't justify any of my actions to anyone but myself. In this time and age, the rules are really simple: Screw or Be Screwed. And that's not meant to deter anyone's fluffy visions of the world, it's a simple motivator and reality check. Out there is always someone who want to dick you over and if you're not doing it, you're the one getting dicked.

You know someone out there who's not telling the truth, cheating on their significant other, working hard to take someone else's job, moving up the ladder, firing people who don't deserve to go, keeping secrets, holding back, setting someone up for failure, trying to steal your shine, acting like you're not really a big deal... If you don't know this person, they probably haven't told you.

A lot of the times the person doing the damage is our very selves. Depriving ourselves of succeeding further and getting what we want because of fear, insecurities, lack of strength, not enough wisdom, stupidity, friends, competition and other nouns that fall under the "Halting Progress" list. We screw ourselves over without even noticing until it's too late.

Good news is the late bell rings at the end of your day and then a new session begins as the sun rises the next. A new day to reinvent, push yourself harder, fight for what you want and believe in, make things right. Live life according to the rule book that you've written. Every day it changes; new pencil, a few cross-outs, and some erasing. This post is not meant to encourage people to hurt others or to be conniving and ruthless to those we encounter. After all, people depend on each other to survive and to get to high places! Friends, family, and loved ones are our backbone. You never want to sever that. It's a message to take what you can out of life or it will take it out of you. Get rid of your excuses and your sorry's and live life feeling unapologetic.

July 26, 2010

Free vs Free-quent

As women we have the innate desire to want to go out, unless you're a homebody... and eh, those are no fun (just kidding!...sorta). Who doesn't want to enjoy doing a variety of things outside instead of being cooped up in the house all the time? Cindi Lauper said it best: Girls just wanna have fun. Men tend to see going out as a negative because:
a. they're cheap
b. create pricey expectations in their heads or
c. are homebodies themselves

The key to happiness is compromising. Unless you're dealing with a female who was cut out from the makings of a Kanye West video, chances are they'll be willing to compromise with you. They can work around your busy schedule. They'll pay for outings sometimes or even offer to split the bill. It's 2010. Women are more along the lines of Destiny's Child's "Independent" than "Bills, Bills, Bills" and more than happy to show it.

Men have the idea that everything has to be over the top expensive in order to impress a female. Women enjoy doing things that are free, and they even enjoy staying home as well. The key is not doing that ALL the time, hence being "free-quent." A little variety goes a long way. Routine makes me want to hit the snooze button. Most women these days don't let anyone get in the way of things they want to do, so don't think your "Maybe next time..." puts an automatic halt to her plans. What one person won't do, another person will.

Don't be consumed by lust for intimacy and laziness. The She's in anyone's life who are well taken care of, reciprocate.

July 5, 2010

Faithful Fans of Hip-Hop?

You ever noticed when someone gets too hot in hip-hop, people like to put them down? Our youthful hip hop culture has grown to be a bunch of haters. It's as if whenever someone gains a lot of support, people rush to disown them or claim that they are being "too hyped up." It's like a relationship. It's as if people can't love an artist too much before they feel like pulling away. I've come to realize that this generation of hip-hop lovers can never just enjoy the music for what it is or be happy for an artist's success.

When Weezy started producing an uproar of good music, everyone began blasting his music. After a while, when people realize he's consistently coming out with bangers and growing an even larger fan base, you can hear some expressing their dislike. "Oh he's not that good anyway..." "I liked him before the hype..." "He's too commercial now.." "Who does he think he is?..."

Drake comes out with So Far Gone and the frenzy begins. The features grow. He's on this song and that song and before we know it, he's "the go-to guy for the hooks." So now that his first album drops, of course the spectators are back at their usual antics throwing shade on his name. "I'm tired of Drake..." "He's on too much songs now..." "He's not even that good, he has to EARN respect..." Meanwhile they're either still singing his songs, in the club dancing to his songs, or refusing to socially accept his contributions to music.

Now Ross drops "Blowin Money Fast" and has everyone thinking they're Big Meech or Larry Hoover. Not that he didn't have crazy lyrics before, but now you see more people recognizing The Boss himself with such a strong summer anthem. "Wheels look like a ferris, ya jeweler should be embarrassed..." Sometimes it's all in how a person says something. It doesn't have to be over-the-top thoughtful. Suddenly, you start noticing he's being featured on a lot of tracks lately and the excitement that are growing within people. I feel like once the consistency continues, the haters will show their faces as well, and the faithfulness is put to a test.

We even get consumed with artists' personal lives, even though their business has nothing to do with us. We make it our business to judge them. We forget they're human and have their own issues. It starts affecting the way we view their music and their talent and feel as if they owe it to us to redeem themselves. I've seen it happen with artists like Kanye, Alicia Keys, and Chris Brown, and I'm sure there are others.

Why this happens? I'm not exactly sure. I'm just here to expose it. People always want to be different for some reason. It's all about self image instead of music. They don't want to seem as if they're "jumping on the bandwagon" and some want to appear as if they were on that artist before anyone else was. If an artist is good, I don't see what's the big deal with just celebrating good music, whether it's lyrical or just plain catchy. We need to learn how to support each other more before hip-hop culture gets consumed by the hating and bitterness.

June 24, 2010

F That, It's Okay... [Once Upon A Summer]

Everyone's got a few guilty pleasures or things we've done in the past that are silly. This post is to let you know you're not alone. Today's topic is called "Once Upon A Summer" which lists ten things you're guilty of or may have done during the summer time.

F That, It's Okay...

1. To know your neighborhood ice cream truck driver by first name.
2. To speak into the fan and laugh at the funny sound it makes with your voice.
3. If you add an extra five minutes in your lunch break today because the weather's beautiful and you know by the time you come out of work, the sun will be setting.
4. To lick the dripping icey off your hand instead of using a napkin.
5. To be addicted to barbeque food. Fresh off the grill? Yum.
6. To add an extra coat of polish over that chipped toenail because you don't feel like getting them re-done yet, and you'll be damned if you have to subject your feet to closed-toe shoes.
7. To walk around your house bare-foot.
8. To skinny-dip.
9. To break out the water balloons, supersoakers or open the hydrant.
10. To know all the words to that raunchy summer song.

June 8, 2010

Fixated on Ivory or Ebony

In light of the new Slim Thug Vibe Magazine article, I've decided to tackle the issues facing dating black and white women. You see, some parts of Slim Thug's argument I found some truth in and other parts I thought were just downright ignorant. I won't say he should've phrased it better because to me, that would've been sugar coating how he felt. I disagreed with some of WHAT he said not HOW he said it and it's not because I'm Black. You should probably take a look at the article before you go any further...

That being read...

A lot of Black women have a larger voice. Not only in volume but being that they will say what a lot of women want to say but choose to keep in, and then it comes off as nagging or argumentative. I've heard a White woman keep something in because "she doesn't want to come off a certain way." There's been instances where a Black man has commanded a White woman to go get him some pizza and she has jumped out the car and spoon fed it to him as he's driving.

Would I have done that? No. I'll buy you the slice but I don't know about spoon-feeding you like you're a baby. Especially at command. But who's to say that has to do with my race? That's my personality. I think people need to learn how to ask for things they want in better ways, and they'll get the results they want.

I have seen white girls at my school cry week after week in the bars because their boyfriends are kissing on girls in front of their faces, treating them mean and they hop right in the cab with them at the end of night despite everything. Or give it a little time in between to numb down the anger and few weeks later, they're back at it, full swing. Now this is not to say I haven't seen Black girls go back to men who have done them wrong. Women, in general, will choose how much they will put up with and will go through similar experiences. I've just noticed that our Ivorys are more submissive and our Ebonys will complain more about it. Even if they're thinking the exact same thing.

At the same time, I believe a lot of the Black men who are making these statements are the ones who want to do whatever they want to do and speak however they want to speak. As Slim Thug says "do all the shit he says." I've seen people who have made these statements, go behind their partners back and cheat and FB message girls and lie. They want to do whatever they want, without getting slack for it. And Slim Thug probably has been on that side of the fence if he isn't right now. Aside from the money hungry females that are out for the money a man has to provide, or looking for a sponsor, females in general just want something that says I appreciate you on a day that's not a holiday. Chivalry, just like men want some of the older customs within females to remain.

A lot of the Ivory and Ebony comparisons don't look at the type of family life that each has grown up in, and I think family life has a lot to do with how you respond in relationships. You could grow up seeing your mom being the bossier figure in a relationship and have that same appeal to men you're dating and if they end up being bossier than you, depending on your personality you could remain or be attracted to the fact that no one has ever been bossier than you. It's environment and family that have major effect on relationships and different races do have different environments and family lifestyles.

That being said, Black people in general need to work on relationships inside their race and outside their race. People, in general, need to work on relationships. Ebony, Ivory, Black Man, White Man, Pink Man, Red Man. We need to cater to each other, communicate better, and listen to each other. Break the stereotypes, don't continue to feed into them.

June 7, 2010


Everybody wants to shine...stand out from the pack in their own way. The world remains one big competition and the huddles of support end up getting smaller. I was speaking to someone about what my favorite compliments are. Yeah, looks are nice but after a while we get desensitized to those. A boy trying to swoon you, whispers a few nice words in your ear and after the rejection, you can spot him doing the same thing, twenty seconds later, in the ear of some chick with a face that looks like she should've never been born. Harsh? Ehh you get the point, we've all seen it happen. Our conversation led to the discovery that besides a few others, my favorite compliments aren't of me but rather my work, my creativity.

In thinking about that, I've gathered that we are in the age of the "Forget-Me-Not's." So many of us have talent that we are dying to broadcast, just waiting for a chance to be remembered for something great... looking for RECOGNITION. Yet, it seems the hardest to get. Especially from those around you. In times where we are bombarded with social networks, you would think it would be easy to build recognition or gain feedback with 1000 friends, pending friend requests and up to the minute status updates. But who's really listening?

When you make it, people claim they always knew you'd hit the top. Yet when you're building up to get there, no one gives you any props. Women, in particular, suffer when it comes to building each other up. Black people fall into this category as well. Instead of helping to spread interest for each other, they rather do their own thing or wait 'til they see a large crowd of people promoting something to decide that it's worth attaching their name to it. Even in relationships, friends, or families you can see the struggle to support movements and lack of inspiration or motivation. We rather network with strangers, than with each other. It's a wild realization, but I have it all the time. We all fall victim, I believe, because it's so hard to rise individually that we have harder times seeing those around us get to higher places. Truth is, sometimes you can only help yourself further by helping others.

June 4, 2010

Flirtin' With A Virgin

Yes, there are still some left. Heads high, waving V-Cards proudly in the air. For moral reasons or personal reasons, they know how to say "No." But are they happy? It's a question all virgins have to ask themselves in an age like this where sex sells and relationships are holding that as a high determinant of whether they will succeed or not.

At first, they might want to scream "Yes!" on the defense. But it's a serious question that involves a lot of self-reflection. When we are younger, it's so much easier to maintain relationships but as we meddle in our twenties, men are asking for more than just conversation. They are looking for a promised intimacy, because what one woman isn't willing to give another will. But even when given everything they need, men still are known to wander off.

Do virgins have a hard time trusting males more than other females? Should they have to settle with open relationships or linger in the dating phase?

Virgins should seek older guys because they are more likely out of the mindframe where they need multiple women and will hold sex over getting to know someone. Don't get me wrong, there isn't a better type of man depending on his age but older men tend to have higher levels of maturity. Virgins can also date other virgins, so that the pressure is not there and they are allowed to make the decision together.

All a person really needs to be is understanding, both on the virgin's side and the side of their partner. If you believe a person is worth it, you're willing to make certain sacrifices, depending on where you are in your life. Virgins show great character, discipline and values. This is by no means a post telling virgins that converting is the only way to obtain a successful relationship, it's simply interesting chit chat.

June 1, 2010

Four-One-One on Dating Older Men

It's a known fact that women mature faster than men, whether males are ready to admit it or not. So it's no surprise that many women are into men above their age bracket. Some of us shun away the you're-old-enough-to-be-my-father candidates calling them "creeps" yet embrace the thoughts of holding hands with a Morris Chestnut or LL Cool J. Yea, I'm not afraid to say I'm in that category. Have you seen Morris? Idris Elba?...enough said.

Dating older men bring a certain status if you're younger. Think of going to school and wanting to date the older boy. As women, we get captivated by their experience, their dominance and their knowledge. But on the flip side, it can also be looked down on if the person is too old. Girls are known to even make age brackets or boundaries that they're not willing to pass due to age. One of the first questions you want to know when you meet someone is "How old are you..." Is too much emphasis placed on age? The media seems to favor men who like older women but makes it seem sometimes as if women are more of the gold-digger type or have ulterior motives if they are reaching out for the older guy. Think Hugh Heff's bunnies.

If you're into the older guy, here's the 4-1-1.

1. Better Communicators
Simply put, they have the tendency to express thoughts, concerns, and feelings better. They handle situations more maturely, and are great for conversing. It can seem intimidating for some women when it comes to conversation with an older man but can brighten perspective.

2. "Trust Me..."
Older men are known to hold age as a reason to trust what they're saying over your word. Some think their level of experience overshadows your thoughts, even if they're a year older.

3. Age Aint Nuthin But A Number
Just because men are older, doesn't mean they don't have child-like tendencies. You can definitely run into older men that act worse than males your age.

4. Upgrade You
Older men can help you learn things at a much faster rate, put you onto new places, ideas, or share things with you that you wouldn't have otherwise known. They can definitely help you in areas you might require help whether it be at work, personal advice or introduce to some of the finer things in life.

5. Stages of Life
Make sure that what you want out of life at the current moment aligns with the person you're with. For example, an older man might be seeking to start a family or depending on his age, be finished with having children. The stage of a person's life determines what they'll seek out of a relationship.

Successful relationships bank on effort, communication and passion. It's not as important to focus on your year to year difference as it is to focus on how you see eye to eye. Men are still men, no matter the birth date.

May 19, 2010

Fronter's Syndrome

Fronting occurs when one is appearing one way but acting in another. They are showing a misrepresentation of themselves. It's so rampid that I called it Fronter's Syndrome. I'm sure you know many who suffer from the disease. Here are five symptoms:

1. Loss of Memory
People who are fronters, seem to have loss of memory because they don't want to be reveal whatever it is that they're fronting about so they magically catch dementia to cover it up. Even when you give them instances that counteract their fronting, they'll have absolutely no recollection. Males, especially pretty boys or those who are overly confident, will meet a girl they're interested in for the first time, after weeks of checking her out and act as if they've never seen her.

2. Retaliation
I know you've witnessed it. The men or women who get rejected from the person they're crushing on and all of a sudden lash back at them, directly or indirectly. It stems from nothing but bitterness. Now they "never liked them anyway" or were only with them for a certain reason, blah blah, yadda yadda. We hear you talking boo, but we just don't believe you.

3. Heartburn
As a result of their fronting ways, they try to mask when someone makes them really happy to a particular audience. They can't stay true to their heart in the public and always make it seem as if that person or thing brings them such agony. Usually it's because they are afraid that it will portray them in a certain light. Either way, the jigs up. The only eyes you're pulling the wool over are your own.

4. Excessive Lying
Victims of Fronter's Syndrome don't only react in regards to relationships or interests, you can catch them fibbing about things they have such as material possessions, or stories about experiences that they have had.

5. Sedated
Jay-Z said it best, "Everytime ya name was brought up I would act all nonchalant in front of an au-di-ence. Like you was just another shorty I put the naughty on, but uh truth be told you threw me for a loop it's Hov." Fronters tend to act like they're under sedation when they hear your name and pretend to block it out. All of a sudden, they're extra relaxed about something or someone and make their value seem less.

The key factor that all Fronters share is denial. They're all denying something whether it be little or big. A lot of us are guilty of being a Fronter, but a cure has been identified. It's called the Truth and it will set you free. Tuning into how you really feel only helps shape your reality.

April 19, 2010

Frat Juice

I had some frat juice over the weekend that inspired several thoughts. At first I stared down into the purple concoction that was given to me in a yellow cup. All I could really tell about it was what was I could see at face value. Eh, wasn't too sure I was gonna like it. After all, I hate grape flavored things. Once I tasted it though, it was great. Three cups great. I demanded to know what was in it but it was a secret. Something like Krabby Patty ingredients, and that only made me like it more. It's funny how the mystery of things lead us to appreciate them. If I found out exactly what was in it, I would feel empowered but would I like it as much?

My friend has a new guy who's interested in her but he constantly texts her every second. He leaves no mystery and therefore she has him all figured out at such an early stage. He's basically set himself up for failure. Leaving people wanting more is always a good quality to have. That's how the media grabs consumer attention and how we can grab the attention of others. Even in relationships, it's not good to spill every single thing that you share as a couple with other people. Having something to share with one another that no one else knows about, always puts that extra spice in your connection.

With life, we never know the full layout. Some people are so willing to throw themselves into opportunities that they aren't sure the outcome of, because they're so filled with mystery. Those people are called Risk-takers and they are often the ones getting the most out of life. Embracing the unknown instead of questioning it.

The purple stuff made me examine my relationships, how I affect people and how I embrace life. Frat Juice...It's like the It Girl or Boy, but no one knows exactly what "it" is. It's your personal characteristics that make you, you. It's what makes you interesting. It's the secrets that hold a friendship together. It's what separates friends from associates. It's what makes your life interesting and others so/so. Frat Juice.

April 8, 2010

FOTO OP: Just Art Exhibition

An invitation I created for an event.

Forever Gay or Freshly Gay?

It seems like being gay is the latest trend. It's like the new black. And this is in no way meant to be a gay bashing post. It's simply a reflection of thought. Girls are holding other girls' hands and men are eyeing other males more often than usual. Everywhere I turn this person or that person is revealing that they're gay. And if they're not gay, someone else is spilling the beans that they're dipping in the same gender pool. The question is... forever gay or freshly gay?

I used to think and still believe that if you were gay, it was something that was just in you from birth but recently I've begun to wonder if this is just the Age of Curiosity for some. Mostly girls. For guys, I just feel like there's no turning back. If they liked boys, then they always did (though that may not be true). Girls tend to have that flicker of wildness within them though. I question if for some girls it's all pyschological and because of their bad experiences with males that they decide to become gay, try it and end up just sticking with it.

People even become skeptical more easily, nowadays. I've had instances where I'm with a friend who is gay, and just because we hang out others have wondered about me. Gay people can have straight friends. Yes, that's allowed. Or I've had friends tell me that others have randomly thought they were gay and they weren't.

Times are changing though. It's become easier to be expressive about your sexuality. Is it that people were suppressing their homosexuality before and now feel more comfortable expressing themselves? What about those still in hiding? Just something that rattled the brain.

April 6, 2010

Fone Diaries

Men Lie. Women Lie. Phones don't.

It might be one of the most disputed arguments between couples but the fact remains: A person's phone is like their diary. It's where you hold some of your most intimate, private, and personal conversations. That's why people have passwords for their phones. Hmm... so is delving into someone's phone, cracking their password an invasion of privacy? What if you get permission? Are you now allowed to get mad if you see something you don't like? All questions that surface as a result of phone arguments.

Privacy Shmivacy. I think a female needs to check her boyfriend's phone every now and then. I see too many girls out there that have no clue what there significant others are doing because they have never seen their phone and it goes both ways, male or female. I'm not promoting going behind someone's back, because that definitely can hurt your relationship. The phone issue in itself can cause disruption because it brings up the issue of trust. The more you desire to check your partner's phone is truly a sign of trust issues. It's better to build trust and honesty, rather than lose a relationship over it. Hate it or love it, phones have the ability to reveal what people are afraid to say or show actions that people are people are afraid to fess up to. To cross the border into the unknown or not to?... that is the question.

March 22, 2010

Familiar with Jack Shit?

I got this funny BBM and I decided to share it.

For some time many of us have wondered who is Jack Shit? We find ourselves at a loss when someone says, "You don't know Jack Shit?" Well, thanks to my efforts you can now respond in an intellectual way. Jack Shit is the only son of Awe Shit who married O Shit. In turn Jack Shit married Noe Shit. The couple had six children: Holie Shit, Giva Shit, Fulla Shit, Bull Shit, and the twins Deep Shit and Dip Shit. Deep Shit married Dumb Shit, a high school dropout. After 15 years, Jack and Noe Shit got divorced and she married Ted Sherlock and became Noe Shit Sherlock. Meanwhile, Dip Shit married Lota Shit and had a rather nervous disposition named Chicken Shit. Fulla Shit and Giva Shit married the Happens brothers in a double wedding. The newspaper invited everyone to the Shit-Happens wedding. Bull Shit traveled the world and returned home with an Italian bride, Pisa Shit. So from now on, no one can tell you that you don't know Jack Shit.

March 16, 2010


Heard it in a song, growing up.
"Falalalalalalalala means I love you..."
Yeah 'cause it's so hard to explain why I'm still attached,
Yet it's so easy to list the reasons why I wish I could forget you.
I think they say that in daydreams or something.
You know, the ones where you skip and stuff.
I checked out on daydreams a long time ago.
Life is a 24/7 reality check.
Plus I'm not much of a skipper,
Fell too much as a child.
It's what you say when you clog your ears and try to block outside noise.
You close your eyes and for a sec...
For a sec, you're in control.
You're halting the chaos,
You're filtering out the foolishness.
You can't hear the "I love you"'s,
The memories are replaced with blackness.
And then you're back to where you were
Wishing life was just a song.
"Falalalalalalalala means I love you."
At least with songs, you know exactly how they end.
Instead, it's all a big mystery.
A bunch of jumbled letters, left for you to draw your own meaning out of them.

FOTO OP: Hope Of The Martyrs

An ad I created for an event that's being hosted at my school.

March 14, 2010

For The Love Of... Sleeves!

The best part of a shirt to me has got to be the sleeves. Weird, I know, but they send my fashion-loving heart into a frenzy. Puffy sleeves, tight sleeves, ruffled sleeves, see-through sleeves, embroidered sleeves, sleeves with dangly things hanging from them, off the shoulder sleeves, military straps on sleeves, sleeve mania.

When you rush into a store, there's already so many clothing choices to choose from. Women are willing to spend more time than men to look through scattered clothing. The moshpit is really a tactic that stores create to capture women, because by sifting through the clothes, we're likely to find and purchase other items we didn't intend to buy. I've never been a fan of the moshpit, so my eyes just dart across the bundles, looking for a sleeve that catches my eye.

To me, shirts, dresses, or sweaters are distinguished by their sleeves. Striped sleeves on a plain cardigan, Rihanna spiked sleeves in the "So Hard" video, Gaga sleeves...which one? It doesn't matter. She either has no sleeves or statement-making ones. Yeah, this could be another one of my crazy obsessions but no matter the season, sleeves are sure to take your outfit to the next level.

March 6, 2010

Famous Professions

Life events are always good for inspiring blog entries. Sparked from my own search for an internship as well as social interactions, I'm giving you five professions that come natural for people worldwide.

Optometrists: This world is full of eye doctors. Everyday, someone shows you a little piece of them that helps you see clearer.

Authors: Everyone has a story to tell. I remember reading a quote that describes us all being the authors of own dictionaries. No one can define you better than you.

Teachers: Each person you encounter teaches you a different lesson, whether it be about yourself or life in general.

Shipwrights: We build relationships with every individual we meet. It's our responsibility whether they stay afloat or sink.

Sanitary Workers: In life, you run into a lot of sanitation workers. These are the people responsible for either treating you like trash or clearing your life of any garbage that other people left behind.

February 23, 2010

Free Us From the Wrath of Your Mouth!

These ten victims are subjected to mouths that do plenty of damage.

Offenders: Thirstbuckets

Victim#1: Straw
Have you ever asked somebody for some of their drink? No? Don't like to drink behind others? Cool. But in the case that you have and there's been a straw in their beverage, dont you just hate when it's all chewed up?! Should've just gotten something to eat. Poor straw, it didn't ask for any of that.

Offenders: Jabber Jaws
Victim#2: Nails
Nail-biters become obsessive with this habit. Bet ya didn't know it was called Onychophagia. It can actually transfer a lot of bacteria. People with this habit have nails that are like midgets, they just don't get the chance to grow. One day they're going to come out with nail-flavored things. Yum?

Offenders: Hi-Schoolers
Victim#3: Old People
You've seen them...the kids coming out of high school greeting each other loudly on the train, telling everyone's business, and cursing up a storm. Annoying! And I'm sure at one point someone must've thought the same about me and my friends but the kids today seem sooo much worse. Although it irritates me highly, I feel even worse when old people are subjected to it. I know they're so much more conservative and it just gives them a worse impression of our generation.

Offenders: Religious Train-ers
Victim#4: Everyone they come in contact with
You know they're spreading the good word but you can't help but think, "!" They preach from train cart to train cart and break the silence with boisterous voices. I must admit, I'll always remember a religious train-er saying "B.I.B.L.E.- Basic Instructions Before Leaving Earth" and its always stuck with me. Quite clever, I think. However the majority of the time, I enjoy watching the immediate response of the rest of the passengers. Earphones being plugged in, newspapers opening, eyes rolling.

Offenders: Professor Monotone
Victim#5: Students
These teachers remind me of the Charlie Brown teacher. Wahhh wah wahh wah wahhh. You can't really remember the last thing they said, you know it's important, it'll probably be on the test, your eyes are shutting, your head is dropping and your notes are becoming scribble scrabble. The sweetest victory is when class ends and you're finally free. Too bad you have to go through it again tomorrow.

Offenders: Angry Beavers
Victim#6: Their Children
Parents love to talk you to your ultimate death. You did something wrong and they just won't let it go. They don't feel good if they don't bash it into your brain about how foolish you are and how much better off you would have been if you just listened. You really wanna scream "Shut upppp!!!!" but instead you're a mute, thinking about other things until they're ready to stop. I call these parents angry beavers because they're obviously upset and all they do is damn (dam) you.

Offenders: Parental Advisors
Victim#7: The Friend with a Secret
These are the people who tell their parents everything under the sun. If something happens to them, they're dishing. If something happens to you, they're dishing. Wondering why their parents are looking at you sideways? 'Cause they know all your business! Sure they didn't tell anyone the secret you told them...they just told their mom or dad. That makes it okay... SIKE!

Offenders: Suckers
Victim#8: Thumb
My grandma went to great heights to get me to stop sucking my thumb when I was little. A sock taped around my thumb, salt and pepper, you name it. I went to bed so upset every night because once you start it's a hard habit to kick. But I'm thankful she did it because I hate seeing grown people sucking their thumb 'til its all gray and wrinkly. Eww. Have some pride.

Offenders: Teething Babies
Victim#9: Anything Within Reach
If you've never been by a teething baby, brace yourself if you're ever faced with the circumstance. Hair, clothes, whatever's laying nearby... even your face! They take no prisoners.

Offenders: Breath-Ah-Lie-zers
Victim#10: Innocent Bystander
Their breath was clearly lying to them but it's telling the truth to you... and boy, does the truth hurt! People should get in the habit of carrying gum or mints. Even if you don't suffer from bad breath, fresh breath is the best breath to have.

February 22, 2010

Feel Like Doing...Nothing?

I believe a good quality to look for in a potential mate is someone who is content with doing absolutely nothing with you. In my eyes, you can do everything with just about anybody but you can't do nothing with everybody. You can be intimate with anyone you're attracted to, you can go to the movies, out to eat, party, whatever your heart desires with this person or that person. It takes a special individual and a genuine connection to just be able to chill with someone without expecting intimacy from them.

Why do you think males/females tend to get jealous when their significant other is hanging out with close friends of the opposite sex? A lot of relationships are missing the friend component. Sometimes people who are talking to each other or dating get so caught up in the intimacy, that they forget to just bond. And it's cool to make someone feel wanted, but I think men should take into consideration that sometimes it's better to chill out. It can actually increase a woman's desire for you.

And by doing nothing, I don't mean staring into each other's eyes and twiddling your fingers for hours. Nothing is more representative of the lack of the need for mauling each other or jumping into one another's pants. It includes spontaneity, creativity and connecting. Being content with just the mere presence of someone? Now that's attractive.

February 20, 2010

From Boys to Men

The transition from boy to man is often disputed. Is it a certain age that they approach? A certain experience they have to go through in order to become a man? Males, everywhere, are critically analyzed for their actions. They seem to attest after the age of 18, or even earlier for some, that they are grown. However, many females argue that there are an increase in boys and a decrease in real men. Here are five distinguishable features.

1. A BOY is scared of love. A MAN embraces his feelings.
2. A BOY thinks about himself. A MAN thinks about others.
3. A BOY can't admit when he's wrong. A MAN uses his mistakes to make him better.
4. A BOY is manipulative to get what he wants. A MAN works for what he wants.
5. A BOY seeks others for support. A MAN aims to provide support.

Certainly, these are not all the differentiating factors. Transforming into a man involves going through both mental and physical puberty. Some men grow old and still act like children. Inspired by Clutch Magazine, here is a list of five things men should know before they're thirty.

1. Good Credit Goes a Long Way
It's important to maintain good credit, because it says a lot about you and weighs heavily in many adult decisions. With the internet, you can find out ways to increase your credit score and analyze what you're doing that isn't reaping the best results.
2. You Can't Stay With Mom Forever
Grown men living with their moms just aren't cute. Unless you have financial problems, it's best you find your own place of residence.
3. Women Aren't Evil
You had one scorned relationship. Get over it. There are plenty of quality women who want to fix those wounds if you let them.
4. Got Manners?
The days of holding doors for people and pulling out the chairs for women on dates seem to be long gone. Do you walk on the side of the street closest to the cars when you're strolling with your woman? And remember etiquette is important. Slapping your mouth at the table won't cut it.
5. Leave Your Comfort Zone
Don't be afraid to make that leap. Men are often afraid of risks. Get off the block and take a trip to somewhere you've never gone before. Learn something you never thought you would, like another language. It's worth it.

February 16, 2010

Friendship for Breakfast

I have this theory that each bunch of friends can be compared to...cereal. Yep, not your average comparison but a fun thought nonetheless.

Corn Flakes
The friend out of the bunch who you can count on to just flake on certain events. Love 'em to death but they have the tendency to dodge calls and go missing if they don't feel like showing up to places, or if they've done something wrong. These are the ones that are not really confrontational or struggle with indecisiveness.

Fruit Loops
In this day and age, you can count on one of your friends to be gay. Hey, you may not even know it. But whether you know it or not, the "fruity" one of the bunch takes this cereal title.

Mr. or Ms. Happy-All-the-Time. They're just known for being cheerful. Always good to run into if you need to smile or need a pick-me-up. Just make sure you return the favor if they ever do have an off day.

The busy bee of the bunch or the one who's buzzing with all the gossip. This person is always on the move and has good social skills. Every time you run in to them, you're sure to get the scoop on something good.

Lucky Charms
This person has major luck or they could simply be the charming one of the bunch. Whether they have a way with words, are popular or stumble upon lots of great opportunities, they're known for getting themselves out of sticky situations. They could be a quick thinker or have charismatic characteristics.

Rice Krispies
Remember that song, "I'm so Krispy"? Yeah, if you don't its probably better that way too. Krispy was a slang term created to signify good fashion sense. The friend who's closet you always want to raid and is always well put together.

Special K
The one that leaves you wondering where you got them from sometimes. They could be very intelligent but are known for always saying the silliest things.

"Trix are for kids", so this friend is either the youngest, the most naive, or the one who acts the most childish. Could be very gullible or they maintain a certain image of innocence and purity.

Apple Jacks
You always have that friend who just seems like they were built with tough skin. Could be the fighter amongst your circle. Often sarcastic and could be considered as pessimistic by others.

Cap'n Crunch
Known to be bossy, the Cap'n Crunch friend is also considered the leader. They're known for constructing a lot of plans and dictating what everyone should be doing.

Cocoa Puffs
The wild child in the crew. Always down to do the craziest things and is known for coming up with wild ideas. They live life with spontaneity. They could get you into trouble but they're fun to have around because you never know what to expect when they're around.

FOTO OP: Venting Machine

Insert a coin into this machine and a dish comes crashing
down. A new form of anger release,by Ronnie Yarisal and
Katja Kublitz, without the need to clean up.

FOTO OP: Teething Rings?

Australian jewelry designer, Polly van der Glas,
designs rings made out of real, sterilized, human
teeth. New tooth fairy in town?

February 11, 2010

For The Record: Rude Boy

I love the production of Rihanna's latest vid. The graphics, colors and artistic feel are a great twist on all the videos that are out right now. It looks very Andy Warhol meets the 80s meets the West Indies. It's fun and Im happy Rihanna has taken it back to her roots. The industry has been missing a Pon De Replay track.

Film Reel: The N Word

In honor of Black History Month, enjoy this ten minute documentary from AV Rockwell. Links to her vimeo are listed below.

N. from AV Rockwell on Vimeo.

February 10, 2010

Fiesta Fiesta

If you're headed out for a night on the town, with thoughts of impressing someone, make sure you keep all your cool points by avoiding these top five party mishaps.

1. Fighting: Whether it be with the person you came with or with someone in the party, fighting is just useless. You run the risk of shutting off the fun for everyone by having the party end, ruining the night of the person you came with or getting yourself into trouble. Either way it's not worth it.

2. Bad Timing: When you're approaching someone to dance with, make sure the timing is appropriate. Especially if you're a boy. I hate when I'm jamming out to a song with my friends that's important to us and someone tries to pull me for a dance. Or sometimes the song just isn't a song that's meant for two people to dance to. Feel out the vibe before you make moves.

3. Two Left Feet: If you're not the best dancer, you need to practice some basic moves so you don't look a mess on the dance floor. It's frustrating dancing with a dance partner so bad that they make you question your own abilities.

4. Personal Space: This one extends anywhere from clinging to the same person all night (given exceptions) to having traveling hands, and invading your dance partner's personal space. It's just overwhelming. On the other hand, if you are trying to talk to someone new at a party and are just floating around asking everyone for their number, don't think people are taking notice.

5. Wrong Attire: Wearing the wrong thing to a party can definitely knock you down a few notches. Depending on the party, sometimes you can't even enter if you're wearing a fitted cap. Sneakers are cool for some environments, but others require a more grown look so make sure you know the dress code. Feeling like wearing those extra high heels? Cool, but make sure you're careful. Ive seen girls fall at parties because the floors started to sweat. It's just not a good look.

February 7, 2010

Feeling Lonely?

If you're feeling alone this February, these two products
show that there are always others far worse than yourself.

Roxxy, the world's most advanced sex-bot
This was invented to really feel like a woman
and even makes similar intimate sounds.
Prostitution has competition.

The Boyfriend Pillow
Apparently consumers are reportedly lonelier
than ever, that manufacturers decided to help
them out. Desperate much?

February 5, 2010

Four Years

Said to be the best years of your life or four of the most important in determining who you are, the time span of college passes in a flash. It's the second semester of junior year and it already feels like freshman year was just yesterday. Going in, one of the most memorable pieces of advice was "Bring weed and Jack Daniels with you in your suitcase. Everyone will love you!" This coming from Adam, a real estate agent in one of Brooklyn's biggest landmarks. No, I didn't pack that in my suitcase but the point of that advice was to live it up. He had ended that conversation by telling me, basically when you get out, you have to grow up and when you grow up shit gets crazy. And now, fast-forwarding three years later, I find myself transitioning out of the desire to party all the time and into a more preparatory mind frame. Everyone gets you ready to go in but no one prepares you to come out.

I read an article from Entrepreneur about how my generation isn't prepared to fail. We're full of working abilities and ideas but we're not set up to deal with the obstacles if those ideas don't pull through. I'm a futuristic thinker so I'm always looking ahead, which is a strength and a downfall, but I can't help but feel that a lot of people in my age bracket aren't equipped to deal with life after school. When the four years pass, life doesn't have to be fearful if you set yourself up from now to deal with it. I'm not saying to disregard the present. In fact, the present is what sets up your future.

My Selling Concepts and Strategies professor told us "College promises you a degree but it doesn't promise you a W2." Your four years should be about having fun, being involved in extracurriculars/things that relate to what you want your career to be, and making the most out of that tuition money. That's the best balance.

February 4, 2010

Friendliest Room in the House

I swear if Bathrooms could talk, a lot of us would be in trouble. The bathroom is like that friend you have who's sworn to secrecy. It knows things a lot of other people don't know about you (and for good reason). Like that time you got caught plucking/waxing/primping/shaving. Or how you accidentally wet yourself turning the shower on, thinking you were running a bath. When you flushed something that wasn't toilet paper, like say an animal for instance? The disaster of trying to bathe the cat/dog. Even that time you fell asleep on the toilet/ in the shower. Heck, it even knows you like to use a bar soap and body wash combination. Why do you think the television shows always have the nosy new friend or interest snooping around in there? Or that people feel as if they need permission to enter your bathroom once in your home?

Public bathrooms aren't even favored amongst many. They're like the person you turn to in dire emergencies. For me, it just doesn't own up to the same standards as my bathroom. It gives others the chance to impinge upon that privacy that's supposed to be reserved for me and my bathroom. You ever got stuck doing a number 2 in a public bathroom and someone walks in and you just don't even wanna come out until they leave? In high school, I probably count the number of times I used that bathroom on my hands. It was just gross to me. But even they hold all the juiciness, serving as social spots, meeting areas, personal spaces to cry in, hold secret conversations, hide out, have secret rendezvous', you name it.

It's so easy to build love/hate relationships with the bathroom. You love it, but cleaning it has become the most hated chore. You love being in it once you're there, but the process of getting there doesn't excite you. You hate when people leave all that excess water around the sink. It has to be a certain way. Either way, like the friends you keep, it remains a reflection of self.

Here are some fun bathroom facts from

  • An average person takes a trip to the bathroom 2500 times a year.
  • Approx. 3 yrs of your life is spent on the toilet.
  • Goldfish, false teeth, socks, mice, toy cars, toothbrushes, and Barbies are amongst a list of things People have thrown down the toilet.
  • Brushing your teeth with the water on wastes five gallons of water.
  • Females take 3 times as long as males in the bathroom.

FOTO OP: Honest Tea Ad

I decided to go with a simple look for this ad. Feedback?

February 2, 2010

Fairytale Complex

There are a lot of people out there looking for Mr. or Mrs. Right and longing for fairytale relationships. Here are a few categories that put a twist to that definition. You could be living that storybook lifestyle and not even know it.

Beauty and the Beast: I know you've seen and thought this one before. The cute guy/girl with the not-so-hot significant other. And you're just dying to know what their personality is like or what they have in common that makes their relationship work. Superficial, but the world is built on superficiality. The thing you don't realize is that sometimes, these couples have the best relationships because they're in tune with who each other is on the inside. Other times it's problematic because each person involved in the relationship can hold on to the other for the wrong reasons. In various types of Beauty and the Beast relationships, the more attractive mate is insecure and the relationship poses as a security blanket for them. The less attractive mate could be scared to let go of the relationship, even if they feel they're not being treated right because they don't think they can ever get any better so they try to hold on to it. Be open to prospective mates, because you're never sure of what you could be missing and above all don't settle for less than what you deserve.

Cinderella: The girl looking for the glass slipper. She has such good qualities but it's not really noticed or taken into much consideration from others. She's wondering when the hell is the Prince going to come along? The frustration can lead them to trying to create a Prince out of someone who doesn't fit the description. On the other hand, another Cinderella is the girl who believes she posesses more valuable characteristics than she actually does. Therefore she scrutinizes every little detail about people she dates, thinking they need to live up to her ideal image of royalty. Bottom line is you can't force things into place, you have to let them fall into it.

Hansel and Grethel: The brother and sister type who are so close to each other that they're scared to elevate to anything else in fear of risking their friendship. No matter how many breadcrumbs they leave, they can't find their way to that ideal spot that they really want to be at. It's a tricky position to be in. Most argue that it's not worth it to lose close relationships, but another way of thinking about it is that a lot of positiveones include people who are friends aside from being lovers.

Goldilocks and the Three Bears: With this complex, I'm not placing a female gender on Goldilocks, even though she's a girl in the story. This refers to that person you know who's constantly going through friends and dating them, as if they're trying to find the right one out of a crew. Like Goldilocks, they test out the different areas, and then it's on to the next one. This usually causes ridges in female friendships more than males, because males are more likely to hold their friendships higher and just take it out on the female. Either way, this is just not a fairytale you want to be apart of.

The Gingerbread Man: This person is always running away from people who are in serious pursuit of them. But like the Gingerbread Man, it can only lead to their demise. It doesn't lead to any benefit. Whatever's preventing them from getting serious, needs to be analyzed. It's often due to hurt or what they learned from others experiences. Another scenario of the Gingerbread Man is the person who similarly avoids the right people and lets the wrong person capture them. It's common for people to look for love in the wrong places, so don't overlook the nooks and crannies. There could be gold there.

Fairytales aren't always good or have the best endings. Focus on writing your own story instead of looking for one that's already written.

January 31, 2010

Food for Thought

In dedication to February, I've decided to list five tasty treats for all you busting your brains about what edible arrangements to indulge in.

1. Chocolate-covered Strawberries:
I don't even like chocolate like that and I'm having sudden surges of desire for these. Fruit and candy mixed together? Scrumptious. Edible Arrangements has fruit baskets for sale or you can purchase them alone, in a sweetheart bouquet. Either way, you can't go wrong with this classic fave.

2. Kissable Massage Oil:
One of Victoria's biggest secrets this month comes in a flavor called vanilla craving, and who doesn't love vanilla?! Massages are underrated. Not many people tend to give them out but they're so relaxing, especially since ten times out of ten we've felt stress at some point that week. The media makes it seem as if we have to go to spas to receive them but it's much more special coming from a loved one. Make your massages count.

3. Edible Body Icing:
Brush included, this goodie is sure to inspire you. You know what's just as good as a personally written card? A personalized, painted note on that special someone. Hotel Chocolat has a yummy chocolate and caramel mix and Vickies Secrets has body icing available in midnight chocolate.

4. Have Your Cake and Eat it Too:
Sometimes homemade treats are better than just purchasing. You can show that someone that you took the time out to really make them something from the heart. You can tailor the flavor to something you know they would like and even write your own message or add your own decorations. If you're stuck on what kind of cake to make, red velvet has always been a personal favorite!

5. Be a Sweetie:
There's so many choices in candies to choose from. You can spice up your life with kiss-shaped chocolates, covered lightly in cocoa butter and filled with chilli jam from The Chocolate Trading Company. Other sweet ideas include hand-crafted, dark chocolate stilettos for the fashion savvy or gelatin hearts or rice krispies hearts for those who prefer treats with less calories. The ideas are limitless!