Men Lie. Women Lie. Phones don't.
It might be one of the most disputed arguments between couples but the fact remains: A person's phone is like their diary. It's where you hold some of your most intimate, private, and personal conversations. That's why people have passwords for their phones. Hmm... so is delving into someone's phone, cracking their password an invasion of privacy? What if you get permission? Are you now allowed to get mad if you see something you don't like? All questions that surface as a result of phone arguments.
Privacy Shmivacy. I think a female needs to check her boyfriend's phone every now and then. I see too many girls out there that have no clue what there significant others are doing because they have never seen their phone and it goes both ways, male or female. I'm not promoting going behind someone's back, because that definitely can hurt your relationship. The phone issue in itself can cause disruption because it brings up the issue of trust. The more you desire to check your partner's phone is truly a sign of trust issues. It's better to build trust and honesty, rather than lose a relationship over it. Hate it or love it, phones have the ability to reveal what people are afraid to say or show actions that people are people are afraid to fess up to. To cross the border into the unknown or not to?... that is the question.
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4 weeks ago
Nothing positive can come from checking your boyfriend or girlfriend's phone. I'm sure that your intentions aren't to reminisce over the sweet text that they sent you last night. Even while checking the phone , you ignore the dozens of phone calls made to you and focus on the one or two texts sent to another person, simply put your only looking for trouble. and if you don't find anything, you assume they erased it, which only deepens the hole of insecurities in your relationship. Most people that are eager to check a phone are the same people who don't want their phone to be checked. Its the things that they do behind their spouses back that make the suspicious of their spouse.