January 19, 2011

Every Kiss Begins With... "'Kay?"

So it's dawned on me that it's becoming a growing trend for not only couples but single guys to want to kiss females in the club. At first I only thought it was a white people thing (and it definitely is). Trust I speak from first hand experience. Whether it was the time a white guy told me I was pretty... | Time out for a second. I think all ladies find it more flattering when men of another race compliment them. Right? It's something about it that makes it seem more genuine. Resume. |... and proceeded to try and pin me against the wall, in which I squealed "Wait, woah! What you are doing?" and proceeded to walk away. This other white guy told me my lips were fat...| moment of silence for that awkward comment? compliment? | and asked to kiss me in the middle of the bar after knowing me for all of twenty minutes. And I've experienced the sweeter approach as well. The move-in after nice conversation and the gentleman move of purchasing some drinks. The best part is that they all held a confused look too like they couldn't understand why I wouldn't want to kiss them. As if they were used to every kiss getting the okay. I've been to the white bars and I can guarantee you someone in there is going to be sucking face with another.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm seeing black men exhibit the "Love in This Club" tendencies more frequently. Although, I believe they do it for different reasons. They're much more territorial with their smooches as if to say "Yea, I'm kissing her. That means she's mine." Almost like a "Ha ha" in the face of others he feels might want her, pose as a threat or are even pondering the possibility of getting with the female. Either way they're not opposed to the idea of kissing in a social setting as much as they were before.

For people in general, a few drinks will make them more susceptible to wanting to go on a smooching spree. Females aren't excluded. It takes two to tango. Girls kiss girls. Girls kiss guys. There's triple kisses and all sorts of kissing phenomena. People do this on a regular basis though! And full on make-out sessions at that.

Have you seen Snooki? Perfect example. Being a new interest for the media due to Jersey Shore whether she cares or not, her obsession with kissing strangers is highlighted to an audience. Everytime she goes out she's basically hunting for lips. Perhaps she provides a suitable insight into the mind of a kiss-aholic, complaining on one of the episodes that kissing is not an equivalent to sex so she doesn't see the harm in wanting to make out in a club.


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