April 18, 2011

Candy Superlatives

In the spirit of being a senior ... (woot woot!)
Imagine there's a school full of candy students. Their class superlatives would probably go a little something like this ...

Best Looking: Hot Tamales
Cutest Couple: Mike&Ike
Class Clown: Snickers
Biggest Flirt: Hershey's Kiss
Most Likely to Be On TV: Starburst
Most Likely to Kick Ya Ass: Jawbreaker
Best Smile: Laffy Taffy
Most Likely to Enlist in the Army: Warhead
Most Dramatic: Crybabies
Best Body: Bubblelicious
Most Likely to Succeed: Nerds
Best Athlete: Airhead
Most Likely to Drop Something: Butterfinger
Life of the Party: Fun Dip
Most Likely to Get Married: Ring Pop
Best Exchange Student: Swedish Fish
Happiest: Jolly Rancher
Most Likely to Come Out the Closet: Skittles

Most Unique: M&Ms
Best Attitude: Sour Power
Best to Take Home to Mom &Dad: Push Pops

March 17, 2011

My Favorite Light Skin.

I don't know what it is about this boy
that i just absolutely LOVE.

And I'm not gonna lie, I wasn't a fan of
the blonde at first. I mean, I still think
it's a little sus, but I must admit it's
growing on me. The Brooklyn cap, the
camo shorts, the new clothing line..
it's all working for me.

March 3, 2011

Social Network: Tap the Mic

As if people didn't know they had vocal chords before, social networks have transformed into the new fightclub. Forget marketing tactics and relationship building, a lash of the social network tongue relieves the necessary stress and provides the right amount of spite.

It's not just your average Joe Schmoe's; celebrities are no different. Recently across the media boards, Ciara and Rihanna have recently pulled out the claws on twitter. Let me rewind and show you the video that set everything off.

Rihanna hits her timeline with "My bad ci, did I 4get to tip u? #howrudeofme" Then the small chain of twitter rants ensue.
I mean, personally, I think Ciara would win if it ever came down to that. But that's besides the point! I love both of them and they squashed this, twitter-apologizing, and going through the kiss-and-makeup process. But has the world become so drama-filled that we resort to airing our beefs on the internet?

Here are some others:

Maybe people find the allure in the same thing that draws companies to social networks -- the amount of people that are reached. People enjoy using the social network speaker box because so many people can see what their saying in a split second and spread the word through re-tweets, comment and even share their like or dislike for the statements. That hits the person more because their argument becomes public. If the statement lacks any identification, what twitter users would call a "subtweet", the person who it was meant for gets the idea of the severity of the person's feelings and still gets "called out" to those who are aware of the situation. It has become the new tactic to embarass and be tough, but really it just falls under the category of childish.

Text messages. BBMs. FB Chat. @______. Let's not lose the reason we understand each other- our sense of communication.

February 6, 2011

Do You Really Love Me...Underneath It All?

Every once it a while, it dawns on me that celebrities are just real people. With their faces plasted all over television, magazines and billboards can you blame me? Here's a gift to women and men. Presenting to you, stars without their make-up on.

Dawn Richards


Kimora Lee Simmons

Nicki Minaj

Lauren London


Tyra Banks



Photo Credits: Vibe Magazine

February 3, 2011

I Win... You Lose...

In every relationship, there's a person who holds more power out of the two, whether you'd like to admit it or not. It's not usually talked about and sometimes it goes unnoticed because people often like to lie to themselves about their roles in a relationship.

The person with the most amount of power usually gets what they really want when it comes to the relationship. They're also the person who truly has the power to end the relationship. They have a bunch of natural, varying characteristics that make them in charge. They could be anything from the asshole of the couple to the one who knows how to word things in the right way. If they're smart, they know how to compromise and when to let the person with less power have more say.

The person who has less power often tries to display to the public that they have more power than they actually do. | Girls are super guilty of this and I don't know why 'cause half the time they ain't foolin no one but themselves. | The obvious ones in this group are easier to spot because they say they will do this and that and often go against their own judgments. They get what they want not because they want it and can have it but because the power holder is willing to give. Often they see some benefit that the power-holder has that they think they can benefit from and sometimes they feel inferior to their partner.

If you're a strong female, then you're probably the power-holder. No ifs ands or buts. Simply because women are a man's weakness. And by strong I don't mean you can just run off at the mouth to any female. Girls often confuse this, thinking that just because they're not afraid to give their opinion to a female that they have some sort of impenetrable strength. Half of the time those are the same ones that do everything a man says and wants because underneath it all, they're scared of the man. Scared of losing the person they're with. Look at Beyonce and Jay-Z. In "Upgrade You", she reveals that the trick of a strong woman is letting her man have the power publicly but behind closed doors she runs the show. If you're figuring out ways to get power, you just don't have it. And you probably won't so just face it. Not everyone's built to hold the reigns.

And the power can shift depending on the situation. However, it mostly stays consistent over the period of time.

The best relationships have a good balance of power. It can be argued that the best ones are the ones where each respective person knows their role, but I think those weigh down on the happiness of the less empowered of the two. And I apologize in advance if your partner reads this and changes up their whole behavior. If you're the power holder, you'll know how to put this in the right perspective ;)

February 2, 2011

Kids in Grown-Up Shoes

I've realized that, at 21, this is the age where I would love to freeze time. You're caught in the whirlwinds of fun and misbehavior. The fake ID is out the window and you're ordering rum and redbulls, the occasional amaretto sour, some cranberry concoction or my new original favorite the Malibu Barbie | Cocunut Malibu, Bacardi, pineapple juice and sprite |. Try that and get back to me. Vacations. Youth. Heading into your prime. It all seems care-free. However, with my generation it also seems to be the time where responsibility and chaos seems to knock at the door and say "Hey remember me? yeah, grow up."

As I look at a variation of people around me climbing into adulthood - babies, marriage, the race for employment, apartment hunting... - it hits me that people are stepping into their lives. | Slang translation: It's getting real out here! | Everyone else's agenda can often seem like a cloud of pressure looming over your own schedule of life events. I've spoken to a few friends and they're stressed from the dizziness of trying to build their lives, whether it's family or their peers consciously or subconsciously pressuring them to get the ball rolling.

It's easy to cave in to the feeling of being left behind. But take it from me, an ex full-time futuristic thinker now turned part-time future part-time present thinker, we are YOUNG! Enjoy it! For some reason, our generation has a warped psyche that believes by your mid twenties, you're old. Be happy for those around you and build happiness for yourself. Salute to all moving onto the next stages in their lives and making beautiful strides. Everyone has their own private goals of where they'd like to be, and nothing always goes as planned. Surprises, obstacles and good opportunities are sprinkled all through your life to shape you as an individual. I've come to truly understand this idea of tomorrow never being promised. It's all about balance of enjoying today and being prepared for tomorrow along with everyone's personal goals and measures of bliss. Revel in your accomplishments and steadily reach for what you want out of this life, a day at a time. In basic words, think of the kid in the grown-up shoes; either you can fit those suckers or wait till your feet grows.

We are all here temporarily, so make sure you enjoy enough of life to last you eternally.

January 25, 2011

Bleach Lighter, Tan Darker

I wake up to a text reading, "Yo when did Vybz Kartel turn white? lol" and I think of when Blondie from Bad Girls Club yelled "Bleach" a thousand times because Christina had a splashfest with a jug of Clorox after they tried to violate all her personal belongings. Now if you didn't know Vybz Kartel before you glanced at this post, he's a very popular reggae artist. Check his credentials . . . I'm a fan and so are many of other reggae lovers. Which is why I was so disappointed in his quest for a "new look." Aren't people happy with how they are anymore?

Anddddd | drumroll | TO TOP IT OFF, he said that it was no different than white people TANNING!

I had a convo about the situation which resulted in the debate that bleaching your skin isn't very different than an African-American female perming her hair, or people getting tattoos or boob jobs or a Nicki Minaj questionably-sized ass. Although I disagree, I can see the argument from both sides. Changing the color of your skin is less socially acceptable so it'll receive more backlash.

I just think that these stars are sending the wrong message to more impressionable fans, not promoting being comfortable in your own skin. The media stands at the top of the totem pole for many people as a standard to base their fashion and trends on. And I believe that in the music industry, they can give off the impression that lighter is better. There's times I've looked at music videos and noticed female artists getting lighter make-up placed on their faces. Younger generations are experience suicides because they feel so uncomfortable in their own skin due to society's lack of embrace.

We've got to do better.

January 19, 2011

Every Kiss Begins With... "'Kay?"

So it's dawned on me that it's becoming a growing trend for not only couples but single guys to want to kiss females in the club. At first I only thought it was a white people thing (and it definitely is). Trust I speak from first hand experience. Whether it was the time a white guy told me I was pretty... | Time out for a second. I think all ladies find it more flattering when men of another race compliment them. Right? It's something about it that makes it seem more genuine. Resume. |... and proceeded to try and pin me against the wall, in which I squealed "Wait, woah! What you are doing?" and proceeded to walk away. This other white guy told me my lips were fat...| moment of silence for that awkward comment? compliment? | and asked to kiss me in the middle of the bar after knowing me for all of twenty minutes. And I've experienced the sweeter approach as well. The move-in after nice conversation and the gentleman move of purchasing some drinks. The best part is that they all held a confused look too like they couldn't understand why I wouldn't want to kiss them. As if they were used to every kiss getting the okay. I've been to the white bars and I can guarantee you someone in there is going to be sucking face with another.

Don't get me wrong though, I'm seeing black men exhibit the "Love in This Club" tendencies more frequently. Although, I believe they do it for different reasons. They're much more territorial with their smooches as if to say "Yea, I'm kissing her. That means she's mine." Almost like a "Ha ha" in the face of others he feels might want her, pose as a threat or are even pondering the possibility of getting with the female. Either way they're not opposed to the idea of kissing in a social setting as much as they were before.

For people in general, a few drinks will make them more susceptible to wanting to go on a smooching spree. Females aren't excluded. It takes two to tango. Girls kiss girls. Girls kiss guys. There's triple kisses and all sorts of kissing phenomena. People do this on a regular basis though! And full on make-out sessions at that.

Have you seen Snooki? Perfect example. Being a new interest for the media due to Jersey Shore whether she cares or not, her obsession with kissing strangers is highlighted to an audience. Everytime she goes out she's basically hunting for lips. Perhaps she provides a suitable insight into the mind of a kiss-aholic, complaining on one of the episodes that kissing is not an equivalent to sex so she doesn't see the harm in wanting to make out in a club.


January 18, 2011

Toast to the New Year

Out with the old, in with the new. 2011 is dedicated to embracing change, change and more change! If you haven't noticed, this is my first post not beginning with the letter "F". Truthfully, I've had a good run with the "F" titled posts and after a solid year I found myself holding onto my love for the concept and not wanting to admit that I now found it a bit stifling in terms of creativity. But that's what a blog is for, experimenting and growing. You'll see a lot of personal growth through the entries this year as well as some good elements that I've learned and decided to keep and apply because they worked in previous posts.

A lot has happened towards the end of 2010 and while I've been thinking and wanting to write, writer's block mixed with a lost motivation has cramped my ability to dish out posts. But such is life. And a crazy life it is. You always think you know how bad things can get until worse happens and it either makes you or breaks you. It's these events that change life, your perspective on it, and your decisions on where to take yourself. I've got lots to say for whoever's ready to read!