April 19, 2010

Frat Juice

I had some frat juice over the weekend that inspired several thoughts. At first I stared down into the purple concoction that was given to me in a yellow cup. All I could really tell about it was what was I could see at face value. Eh, wasn't too sure I was gonna like it. After all, I hate grape flavored things. Once I tasted it though, it was great. Three cups great. I demanded to know what was in it but it was a secret. Something like Krabby Patty ingredients, and that only made me like it more. It's funny how the mystery of things lead us to appreciate them. If I found out exactly what was in it, I would feel empowered but would I like it as much?

My friend has a new guy who's interested in her but he constantly texts her every second. He leaves no mystery and therefore she has him all figured out at such an early stage. He's basically set himself up for failure. Leaving people wanting more is always a good quality to have. That's how the media grabs consumer attention and how we can grab the attention of others. Even in relationships, it's not good to spill every single thing that you share as a couple with other people. Having something to share with one another that no one else knows about, always puts that extra spice in your connection.

With life, we never know the full layout. Some people are so willing to throw themselves into opportunities that they aren't sure the outcome of, because they're so filled with mystery. Those people are called Risk-takers and they are often the ones getting the most out of life. Embracing the unknown instead of questioning it.

The purple stuff made me examine my relationships, how I affect people and how I embrace life. Frat Juice...It's like the It Girl or Boy, but no one knows exactly what "it" is. It's your personal characteristics that make you, you. It's what makes you interesting. It's the secrets that hold a friendship together. It's what separates friends from associates. It's what makes your life interesting and others so/so. Frat Juice.

April 8, 2010

FOTO OP: Just Art Exhibition

An invitation I created for an event.

Forever Gay or Freshly Gay?

It seems like being gay is the latest trend. It's like the new black. And this is in no way meant to be a gay bashing post. It's simply a reflection of thought. Girls are holding other girls' hands and men are eyeing other males more often than usual. Everywhere I turn this person or that person is revealing that they're gay. And if they're not gay, someone else is spilling the beans that they're dipping in the same gender pool. The question is... forever gay or freshly gay?

I used to think and still believe that if you were gay, it was something that was just in you from birth but recently I've begun to wonder if this is just the Age of Curiosity for some. Mostly girls. For guys, I just feel like there's no turning back. If they liked boys, then they always did (though that may not be true). Girls tend to have that flicker of wildness within them though. I question if for some girls it's all pyschological and because of their bad experiences with males that they decide to become gay, try it and end up just sticking with it.

People even become skeptical more easily, nowadays. I've had instances where I'm with a friend who is gay, and just because we hang out others have wondered about me. Gay people can have straight friends. Yes, that's allowed. Or I've had friends tell me that others have randomly thought they were gay and they weren't.

Times are changing though. It's become easier to be expressive about your sexuality. Is it that people were suppressing their homosexuality before and now feel more comfortable expressing themselves? What about those still in hiding? Just something that rattled the brain.

April 6, 2010

Fone Diaries

Men Lie. Women Lie. Phones don't.

It might be one of the most disputed arguments between couples but the fact remains: A person's phone is like their diary. It's where you hold some of your most intimate, private, and personal conversations. That's why people have passwords for their phones. Hmm... so is delving into someone's phone, cracking their password an invasion of privacy? What if you get permission? Are you now allowed to get mad if you see something you don't like? All questions that surface as a result of phone arguments.

Privacy Shmivacy. I think a female needs to check her boyfriend's phone every now and then. I see too many girls out there that have no clue what there significant others are doing because they have never seen their phone and it goes both ways, male or female. I'm not promoting going behind someone's back, because that definitely can hurt your relationship. The phone issue in itself can cause disruption because it brings up the issue of trust. The more you desire to check your partner's phone is truly a sign of trust issues. It's better to build trust and honesty, rather than lose a relationship over it. Hate it or love it, phones have the ability to reveal what people are afraid to say or show actions that people are people are afraid to fess up to. To cross the border into the unknown or not to?... that is the question.