February 4, 2010

Friendliest Room in the House

I swear if Bathrooms could talk, a lot of us would be in trouble. The bathroom is like that friend you have who's sworn to secrecy. It knows things a lot of other people don't know about you (and for good reason). Like that time you got caught plucking/waxing/primping/shaving. Or how you accidentally wet yourself turning the shower on, thinking you were running a bath. When you flushed something that wasn't toilet paper, like say an animal for instance? The disaster of trying to bathe the cat/dog. Even that time you fell asleep on the toilet/ in the shower. Heck, it even knows you like to use a bar soap and body wash combination. Why do you think the television shows always have the nosy new friend or interest snooping around in there? Or that people feel as if they need permission to enter your bathroom once in your home?

Public bathrooms aren't even favored amongst many. They're like the person you turn to in dire emergencies. For me, it just doesn't own up to the same standards as my bathroom. It gives others the chance to impinge upon that privacy that's supposed to be reserved for me and my bathroom. You ever got stuck doing a number 2 in a public bathroom and someone walks in and you just don't even wanna come out until they leave? In high school, I probably count the number of times I used that bathroom on my hands. It was just gross to me. But even they hold all the juiciness, serving as social spots, meeting areas, personal spaces to cry in, hold secret conversations, hide out, have secret rendezvous', you name it.

It's so easy to build love/hate relationships with the bathroom. You love it, but cleaning it has become the most hated chore. You love being in it once you're there, but the process of getting there doesn't excite you. You hate when people leave all that excess water around the sink. It has to be a certain way. Either way, like the friends you keep, it remains a reflection of self.

Here are some fun bathroom facts from randomfacts.org:

  • An average person takes a trip to the bathroom 2500 times a year.
  • Approx. 3 yrs of your life is spent on the toilet.
  • Goldfish, false teeth, socks, mice, toy cars, toothbrushes, and Barbies are amongst a list of things People have thrown down the toilet.
  • Brushing your teeth with the water on wastes five gallons of water.
  • Females take 3 times as long as males in the bathroom.

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