In light of the new Slim Thug Vibe Magazine article, I've decided to tackle the issues facing dating black and white women. You see, some parts of Slim Thug's argument I found some truth in and other parts I thought were just downright ignorant. I won't say he should've phrased it better because to me, that would've been sugar coating how he felt. I disagreed with some of WHAT he said not HOW he said it and it's not because I'm Black. You should probably take a look at the article before you go any further... being read...
A lot of Black women have a larger voice. Not only in volume but being that they will say what a lot of women want to say but choose to keep in, and then it comes off as nagging or argumentative. I've heard a White woman keep something in because "she doesn't want to come off a certain way." There's been instances where a Black man has commanded a White woman to go get him some pizza and she has jumped out the car and spoon fed it to him as he's driving.
Would I have done that? No. I'll buy you the slice but I don't know about spoon-feeding you like you're a baby. Especially at command. But who's to say that has to do with my race? That's my personality. I think people need to learn how to ask for things they want in better ways, and they'll get the results they want.
I have seen white girls at my school cry week after week in the bars because their boyfriends are kissing on girls in front of their faces, treating them mean and they hop right in the cab with them at the end of night despite everything. Or give it a little time in between to numb down the anger and few weeks later, they're back at it, full swing. Now this is not to say I haven't seen Black girls go back to men who have done them wrong. Women, in general, will choose how much they will put up with and will go through similar experiences. I've just noticed that our Ivorys are more submissive and our Ebonys will complain more about it. Even if they're thinking the exact same thing.
At the same time, I believe a lot of the Black men who are making these statements are the ones who want to do whatever they want to do and speak however they want to speak. As Slim Thug says "do all the shit he says." I've seen people who have made these statements, go behind their partners back and cheat and FB message girls and lie. They want to do whatever they want, without getting slack for it. And Slim Thug probably has been on that side of the fence if he isn't right now. Aside from the money hungry females that are out for the money a man has to provide, or looking for a sponsor, females in general just want something that says I appreciate you on a day that's not a holiday. Chivalry, just like men want some of the older customs within females to remain.
A lot of the Ivory and Ebony comparisons don't look at the type of family life that each has grown up in, and I think family life has a lot to do with how you respond in relationships. You could grow up seeing your mom being the bossier figure in a relationship and have that same appeal to men you're dating and if they end up being bossier than you, depending on your personality you could remain or be attracted to the fact that no one has ever been bossier than you. It's environment and family that have major effect on relationships and different races do have different environments and family lifestyles.
That being said, Black people in general need to work on relationships inside their race and outside their race. People, in general, need to work on relationships. Ebony, Ivory, Black Man, White Man, Pink Man, Red Man. We need to cater to each other, communicate better, and listen to each other. Break the stereotypes, don't continue to feed into them.